Dear Multi-Course Owners and Resort Operators,

Dryrainge is pleased to sponsor the NGCOA and the MRCOR20 Virtual Summit. In these challenging times, we are mindful of your challenges to attract and keep golfers on your range, and we’re here to help.
Our products have offered golfers protection from the elements since our beginnings – from harmful UV rays to weather conditions, and now to the physical barriers players are looking for on the practice tee.

We welcome you to explore our shelters and discover the options for player comfort and revenue generation they provide.

Maximize your range potential and grow your profits with Dryrainge. We offer portable and modular range shelters with options to meet the specific demands of your facility and your climate.

Differentiate your teaching programs, reduce lesson disruptions, and ensure your loyal members can practice in comfort regardless of outdoor conditions.

Talk to us about how to maximize your range experience:

  • Extend range hours
  • Build member engagement
  • Avoid lesson cancellations
  • Grow the game
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Bruce Rempel
[email protected]
Mobile 306-221-0590