NGCOA Event Sponsorship Opportunities

The National Golf Course Owners Association offers a variety of ways to put you face-to-face with new customers. From annual event sponsorships to year-round partnerships — at multiple levels of financial commitment — your engagement with NGCOA and its members will show you returns on your investment.

Many of the golf industry’s biggest names are increasing their exposure and sales by working with us…shouldn’t your company join that list?

Companies that typically attend MCOR

LIMITED SPACE! ACT NOW before sponsorships sell out.
Email [email protected] for details.

Sponsor Testimonial 3

“MCOR is always engaging and impactful, and it provides a welcoming environment that allows us to bridge client relationships and build new partnerships.”

Sponsor Testimonial 1

“Last year was my first time attending MCOR; I developed some relationships with the most influential people in golf, and reconnected with some current customers, too.”

Sponsor Testimonial 2

“MCOR provides the ideal platform to meet with the most experienced and influential operators in our industry, and we grew our business through direct connections made at MCOR.”

Multi-Course & Resort Operators Retreat

NGCOA’s Multi-Course & Resort Operators Retreat continues to be a pinnacle event among MCOs (owners of 6 or more golf courses, and top executives of golf management companies), TROs (top resort operators and executives) and TAOs (top agronomic officers). Now in its 29th consecutive year, this exclusive, by-invitation-only gathering continues to assemble the best in the golf course and resort business.


  • Admission to all education, event-related meals and networking
  • Participation in the Yamaha Golf Outing
  • Golf Outing hole sponsorship opportunities
  • Recognition in pre- and post-event marketing:
    • on the event website, which includes a full corporate profile on the Sponsor Zone
    • on signage
    • in onsite program book
    • in Golf Business event advertising
  • Optional inclusion of your company materials and/or gifts in attendee welcome bags and golf outing gift bags
  • Access to attendee list with contact information


Sponsorship includes attendance for two (2) representatives


Sponsorship includes attendance for one (1) representative

To view the MCOR event website, click here.


Suppliers must become an MCOR sponsor to attend this event; custom packages are also available.

Email [email protected] for details.